Hermes Astral Shop (HAS) is a nonphysical place that you can visit in Dreams, Meditation, or Out of Body Travel. It is located in Malkuth so it is easily reachable from physical reality. You can obtain help, healing, or just come to chat with our WD regulars in a nonphysical setting.
The Shop was set up over 20 years ago by myself, archangel Sandalphon (aka John) and my spirit guides as a place where novice out of body travelers could target themselves to go. It was one of the early goals in my reality creating teaching. It was fun to see who would make it there and what each of us would bring back from the encounters. Over the years, Hermes Astral Shop has become much more. It not only is a place to visit in these nonphysical states, but it is now constantly manned by angels, spirit guides, and nonphysical teachers that hang out there in case someone comes by and needs assistance. As such, the shop has grown and now has several different sections you may find yourself in.
Guided Travel Meditation to Hermes Astral Shop. Press play below.
To get to Hermes Astral Shop use your favorite nonphysical travel method. Just focus your desire to reach “Hermes Astral Shop.” Say it to yourself over and over again like a mantra. The first time you try, you will probably find yourself in a or on a subway train. The next time you try you will most likely bypass the Subway Station and wind up in one of the other sections (see above). As you get better at reaching HAS, you can target a specific place and go there directly.
One of the easest ways to reach HAS is via the nonphysical subway. If you focus your destination on Hermes Astral Shop and see yourself on a subway train or at a subway station, you are on your way or are already there. There is a special energy tunnel (disguised as a subway) that connects from the Earth plane to HAS. It makes it very easy to just pop in there using your favorite nonphysical travel method, especially if this is your first trip to it. More information on WD Station
The Healing Shop is the place you would go to if you wanted to get some healing or, if you are more gifted and wanted to help out, go to help others that need healing. If you bring a car with you to be worked on in the Healing Center, the car is a symbol for your physical body. Do you drive a Clunker or a Muscle Car, a Mercedes or Mini Van or something from the future!. More information on HAS Healing Center
This was the first location created in HAS. In the pub you will find angels, spirit guides, and physical beings, like myself and others, hanging out, in nonphysical form. Ordering a drink will get you infused with some fine nonphysical energy that you can use in your daily life. More information on HAS Pub.
In the gift shop you can obtain more than just some nonphysical tools to help you with your reality creating or solving real world problems. You can also sign up for the nonphysical classes or find a teacher that can help you with problem solving. The Gift shop is large and wonderous and we have not yet fully explored what can be found there.
The classrooms are where you may find yourself if you are seeking some specific spiritual knowledge. You may see yourself in these informal areas with a teacher or other nonphysical traveler learning some skill or discussing some topic. These nonphysical classes can run a few days or a few weeks by physical time, or can be a one time thing. I should mention that these classrooms are virtual, kind of like a holodeck, so they can appear many different ways or even create training situations with problems for you to solve.
Out in back of HAS you will find a dock with Speedboats and a very large body of water. The speedboats can take you to other nonphysical places that you cannot reach on your own power. So if you see yourself getting in one of these boats, be prepared to be launched away to some wonderful or mystical nonphysical destination.
Admin is where you will find individual areas for each of our regular visitors to the astral shop, some spirit guides, and even teachers. Some of these people work and help out here and so they are given their own space to use the way they want. If you are looking for someone specific, then you may want to check here. Now while I have an office down here, you are more likely to find me in the Pub, trying to catch that boot...
Located in the back of the building before you reach the docks is the SPS. Because of the increased intake of nonphysical people from the newly installed subway system, a spirit power upgrade was necessary so that everyone coming to the HAS will get the energy boost they need. No matter what section of HAS you find yourself in, every millimeter is drenched with the energy of spirit. This energy gets absorbed by you while you are here and when you return to your physical self, you can use this extra energy in your daily life. Standing near the SPS is, to say the least, an energy buzzing experience.