You may have heard about Hermes Trismegistus from mythology. He's the mythic figure who served as messenger of the gods. He was a master of reality manipulation and manifestation and was able to travel freely between the various realms and dimensions that existed. That original Hermes was the author of a vast amount of written material. However, much of this material was/is too esoteric for today's way of thinking. Of course, when that material was written, it was written for that time and that era and to serve the needs of that community.
I have been developing and teaching the Reality Creator material since 1989. The first book “Reality Creator I” was self published in 2003. I believe this knowledge is a great tool for self-transformation and for the complete control of one’s life, in accordance with universal laws of brotherhood and love. I am committed to perfecting the self and I continue to develop my writing, teaching, healing, and reality creating skills to this day. Much of the information contained in my books and articles comes from over 35 years of out of body travels to various reality planes of existence, where I was engaged with nonphysical masters and adventures from all levels of reality. At some point, I decided to take my notes and compile them into a book, which later went on to become the Reality Creator material.
My website, which went online 1993, has been a labor of love of mine. If you've been here before, you will know that I share a great deal of information freely and on a regular basis. I am always adding RC Radio shows and updating articles, blogs, holding regular workshops and generally continuing to create a unique online experience for light-workers, spiritual seekers, and people who just want to fix their lives. After years of posting new material the website is packed with information to help you on your spiritual and evolutionary journey.
If you find this site interesting then I am glad that I could be a small part of your spiritual journey. Enjoy and come back as often as you need to. And please tell others about this website and my books! The RC Books are now available on Amazon, (see link below).
Light, Peace
Tom (aka Hermes)