I started writing the Reality Creator books in 1989. At that time I began a spiritual awakening that propelled me on a wonderful and magnificent journey. This journey took me to the far reaches of my mind and of the universe. Physically and nonphysically I began to understand just how I created my world.
This journey was not a solitary one. I was assisted by my spirit guides and various ascended masters who helped me to understand the universe as it really was. One of my teachers was Hermes Trismegistus. He encouraged me to write down everything I had learned and so I did, not knowing, at that time, that I had just birthed the most precious and wonderful gift to mankind, the Reality Creator books.
In 1993 I began to share what I had learned with others in small workshops. Each week I would cover a new topic and distribute a bit of the RC material, which then was in a very raw form. At some point I decided to compile this material into a more cohesive form and after another year I had my first book, which I called Hermes Reality Cooker.
The Reality Cooker material was a huge three-ring binder of over 350 pages which I lugged around for another year, until, in 1995, I decided to try to publish the work. I soon found out that my Cooker material was too big for one volume, so I worked on breaking it up into smaller volumes. These later became Hermes Reality Cooker I and Hermes Reality Cooker II. The name was changed at the request of a potential publisher to something that did not sound like a cook book, so I changed the names to Reality Creator I and Reality Creator II. Subsequent publishing deals did not go through and so in 1998 I decided to self publish the material and use the new emerging Internet as the vehicle.
Today, after selling over two thousand copies of the Reality Creator books, and getting over 4 million visitors to the website, I can say my journey was a success. It was a success because what I learned is a piece of everyone that has visited my website and bought my books.
I did not birth the RC material out of a need for money or power. I just wanted to share with others what I was given, in the hopes of making other people's lives easier. Today the Reality Creator Books sales help to defer the cost of running and updating the website, which takes a tremendous amount of time. It also helps me to write new books and add more materials to the website, which has a real need in today's fast-changing and often uncertain world.
Every day thousands of people are awakening to the idea that they create their world. This website and my books are a guide to help others on their own personal journey to evolve and grow. I am honored to be a small part of that journey.