Magical Energy Keys part 2 Hexigrams
Magick and Energywork
For Magical operations (see real audio tutorial for
more information on use)
Note: This page is designed to be used as a reference tool. It does not contain
any information on the use of these magical keys. See the audio tutorial
if you want an introduction to using magick. |
- prosperity &wealth
- creating opportunity
- good luck and fortune
- aggression
- strength and greatness
- things of war or destruction
- sex & power
- anger
- ideas or solving problems
- communication
- communicating with others
- intellect and reason
- internet, radio, television
- things unseen or in the process of manifesting.
- exposing deception or secrets
- lunar consciousness
- humanity
- emotions and feelings
- responsibility & discipline
- limitations
- working out inner problems
- strife & friction
- friendships and love
- cooperation with others
- beauty and creating beauty
- enjoyment
- the feminine current
- the self and personal transformations
- your identity or the identity of another
- illuminating situations
- things close to you
- the masculine current
- solar consciousness
*source material for this exercise: "The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie" and "Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig."
This article is from the current Reality Creator Series Books, or upcoming books, or website content. © copyright 1995 - 2024 by Tom DeLiso