The application of wearing or carrying various minerals and gemstones to facilitate personal change dates back to ancient times. Below is a description and explanation of what each stone and its properties do. To the right is the ailment cross references to help you more easily find the stone you may need.
Abalone (Seashell): Often grayish on the outside and orange, pink, and white on the inside. Strengthens the muscle tissue, especially the heart. Excellent for treating spinal degeneration diseases. Diversifies the personality and balances the feminine. Chakra: heart.
Agate (general): A translucent or milky looking stone of various shades, composed of quartz, but usually has other minerals infused with it. Cloud-like in appearance. Tones and strengthens the body and mind. Imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilities ability to discern truth and accept circumstance. Grounding, but energetic in a way. A powerful healing stone. Works with chakras (heart, brow, throat, heart, and sexual) according to the color of the stone. [SiO2]
Agate (Botswana): Comes in various shades of gray. Aids in the oxygenation of the physical form, by increasing the strength of the lungs and breath, which increases the level of oxygen in the blood. Helps to repair brain damage. Eases depression and lethargy caused by brain disorders. Aligns the throat Chakra. When crushed into a powder can be mixed into a bath to help soothe the skin and heal some skin disorders. Chakra: throat. [SiO2]
Agate (Carnelian): A yellow, deep red, or flesh colored stone. Helps to alleviate eye disease, epilepsy, or gum disorders. Helps to activate the sense of touch. Increase elasticity of the blood vessels and all other cellular tissue. Will help to ease overexposure to the sun, x-rays, and any kind of radiation. Will soften emotional hardness and help the individual to feel, emotionally, again, especially after a harrying emotional situation has passed and the individual has shut- down emotionally. Chakra: heart. [SiO2]
Agate (Fire): A bright green, soft blue, bronze, brown, or orange colored stone. Influences the entire endocrine system. It will re-stimulate cell memory, which will aid greatly in tissue regeneration. It will harmonize the spirit by grounding, balancing, and transforming your nonphysical essence toward higher spiritual evolvment Binds the sexual and heart Chakra together so that love and lust become one and not separate. Chakra: heart, and sexual. [SiO2]
Agate (Moss): A stone which contains moss or treelike forms in it. It may be black, blue, brown, or green. Will aid in healing the colon, lymphatics, pancreas, and the pulse. Helps to eliminate unnecessary proteins and viruses from the body. Will help to balance blood sugar levels. Eases allergies. This stone will help you to learn how to balance and apply emotional priorities and altruism. Will interlink emotional and mental body to function as a single unit., while practical spirituality develops. Will help you attune to nature. Chakra: brow and heart. [SiO2]
Agate (Picture): A brown stone which contains natural pictures within its body. Will help to stimulate visualizations between the left and right brain. Alleviates hardening of the arteries, especially within the brain. Will help the body to absorb larger concentrations of vitamin E. Chakra: brow. [SiO2]
Alexandrite: A dark green stone which looks red under artificial light. Aids internal and external regeneration. Has a positive influence on the nervous system, spleen, and pancreas. Helps to align the mental and emotional body and bring about spiritual transformation and regeneration. Reflects back the highest potentials of unfoldment within the individual. Makes one feel the joy and oneness with life. Chakra: crown.
Amazonite: A bright blue-green stone. Soothes the physical nervous system. Strengthens heart and physical body. Aids alignment of mental and etheric body. Brings joy and uplifts depression. Helps individual creative expression. Facilities clear vision of one's own harmful tendencies, making them easier to release. Chakra: throat.
Amber (Putrefied wood): Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts a positive influence on endocrine system, spleen, and heart, bringing about increased physical healing, soothing and harmonizing of the physical organism. Electrically alive with solidified gold light. Stabilizes physical discomforts due to a person's kundalini awakening. Can activate a person's altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. Chakra: navel, solar plexus, and crown.
Amethyst: A violet semi-clear crystallized stone from the quartz family. A true healing stone. Strengthens endocrine and immune system. Enhances right brain activity, pineal, gland and pituitary gland. Powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps mental disorders. Purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness. Transmutes own's lower nature into the more highly refined aspects of their potentials. Amethyst represents the Violet-Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities, by bringing about physical changes within the brain. Excellent for meditation. Chakra: third eye and crown. [SiO2(Mn?)]
Aquamarine: A translucent blue-green stone. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention. Strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid. Purifies the body. Enhances clarity of the mind and aids in creative self-expression. Helps banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace calmness, and inner love. Chakra: throat, solar plexus. [Al2Be3(Si6O18)]
Aragonite: Aragonite varies in color and can be white, gray, colorless, yellow, pale blue, violet, or brown. Aragonite is a polymorph of calcite, which means that it has the same chemistry as calcite but it has a different structure, and more importantly, different symmetry and crystal shapes. Aragonite contains three kinds of crystals that grow together, resulting in a hexagonal shape. The unique crystalline shape of aragonite helps with mitigating anger and creating a calming effect in the environment around it. I call it a wave crystal, as the energy emitted from it seems to do so in waves, creating a watering-like effect over you. It is very good for helping to mitigate depression and sadness. chakra: heart, brow [CO3]
Aventurine: A green translucent or milky quartz with mica sparkles. Purifies mental, emotional, and etheric bodies of built up negativity. Aids in releasing anxiety and fears. Stimulates muscle tissue. Will focus the individual toward emotional tranquility and positive attitudes as well as independence and healthiness. A great stone to center one's self with. Chakra: heart.
Azurite: A blue copper ore. Enhances flow of energy through the nervous system because of the copper content within the stone. Helps the body to better utilize oxygen. Helps to clear the mind for mediation and cuts through illusions. Will enhance psychic abilities to a degree and begin the personal transformation process toward a higher personal plane. Chakra: third eye and throat. [2CuCO3-Cu(OH)2]
Beryl: Comes in blue, green, white, yellow, or colorless. Stimulates the mind and intellect, provides a greater sense of protection in life and increased receptivity. Can alleviate laziness. Will aid in healing bowel cancer, eye diseases, and swollen glands. Good for the intestinal tract too. The hara is strengthened, and masculine qualities are awakened. Chakra: base.
Bloodstone: A green chalcedony with red flecks of red jasper or iron oxide. Oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances physical and mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron deficiencies. Physically stimulates the movement of kundalini energy and will link the root Chakra with the heart Chakra. Chakra: root and heart.
Blue Lace Agate: See Agate (fire).
Calcite: Aids kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. Balances the inner male and female polarities. Alleviates fear and reduces stress. Helps to balance the individual emotionally. Increases the capacity for astral projection. Works with chakras in according to the color of the stone.
Carnelian: A red milky quartz. This stone has the ability to heal other stones when placed near them for a prolonged period of time. Aids in tissue regeneration and can revitalize physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. Enhances attunement with inner self and increases concentration. Can open a closed heart center when worn directly over the heart and bring about a more warm and social attitude. Chakra: navel, solar plexus, and heart. [SiO2]
Celestite: Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress and induces a relaxing peace of mind. Accelerates physical growth in the young. Helps one adjust to a higher state of awareness. Will help the individual to speak truthfully and more clearly. Chakra: throat and heart.
Chrysocolla: A green to blue stone. Aids in the prevention of ulcers, digestive problems, and arthritic conditions. Strengthens lungs and thyroid gland. Enhances metabolism. A good stone for healing female disorders. Helps clear the subconscious of imbalances. Will enhance feminine qualities within individuals. Amplifies the throat Chakra output for increased communication and creative abilities. Chakra: heart, throat. [CuSiO3+2H2O]
Chrysolite: Chrysolite (olivine) has two distinct methods of occurrence: (a) in igneous rocks, as peridotite, norite, basalt, diabase, and gabbro... (b) as the product of metamorphism of certain sedimentary rocks containing magnesia and silica..." Chrysolite is commonly olive green but may range through browns and reds. It exhibits the luster and fracture of glass, and has a hardness of 6 to 7. The clear, green varieties are termed peridot, but "peridot" is to be distinguished from "peridot from Brazil" and "peridot of Ceylon" which are tourmalines. Crysolite occurs in the United States at places in Arizona and New Mexico. Its composition is (MgFe)2SiO.
'The Serpent Isle' in the Red Sea was stated by Agatharcides to be the source whence came the topaz (chrysolite); here, by the mandate of the Egyptian kings, the inhabitants collected specimens of this stone for polishing... From this Egyptian source, and possibly from others exploited by the Egyptians, have come the finest chrysolites (peridots, or olivines). Chrysolite, to exert its full power, is required to be set in gold; worn in this way it dispels the vague terrors of the night. In ancient Egypt, to increase its potency against evil spirits, it often was pierced and strung on the hair from an ass and then attached to the the person's left arm.[(MgFe)2SiO]
Chrysoprase: A light green stone with a waxy to pearly luster. A variety of quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depression and sexual imbalance as well as fertility. Helps one see clearly into personal problems. Brings out inner talents. Chakra: heart. [SiO2]
Citrine: A yellow colored quartz stone. Good for detoxifying the physical, emotional, and mental bodies of impurities or poisons. Will diminish self-destructive tendencies by raising self-esteem, cheerfulness and hope. Can realign the individual with their higher-self. Chakra: navel, crown.
Copper: Influences the flow of blood. Supplies energy to the body and mind. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Good conductor of energy, physical and nonphysical. Chakra: root.
Coral: A white brittle sea stone. Helps bowel movement. Helps you to learn self-sacrifice. Destroys negativity and the portions of the psyche that produce non-truth. Chakra: heart and navel. [CaCO3+MgO+organic]
Diamond: Enhances brain functions. Aids in the physical alignment of the cranial bones. Breaks up blockages in crown chakra and in the personality. Good general purpose healer. Dispels negativity. Diamond reflects the will and power aspects of God. Aids alignment with higher-self. Chakra: All. [C]
Dioptase: Strengthens cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Excellent aid for ulcers, a nervous stomach, heart troubles, or blood pressure. Induces emotional stability and peace of mind. Excellent stone to recite affirmations with. Chakra: heart.
Emerald: A deep green stone. Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, immune system, nervous system. This stone is a body, mind, and spirit tonic. Enhances dreams, meditation, and deeper spiritual insight. Promotes love, kindness, and tranquility, while balancing the emotions. Emerald represents the divine purpose within each of us. Chakra: heart and solar plexus. [Be3Al2(Si6O18)]
Fire Opal: see Opal (fire).
Fluorite: A frosty light-green to dark-red stone. Strengthens teeth and bones and improves the absorption of vital nutrients. Grounds out excessive energy. A good stone for increasing concentration and advancement of the mind. Facilitates inter-dimensional communication. Works with chakras and attitudes according to the color of the stone.
Garnet (red): A dark red stone. It strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Is strongly connected to the root Chakra, helping to harmonize the potent forces of the kundalini. Will also stimulate the pituitary gland. Enhances imagination. Chakra: heart and root. [Fe3Al2(SiO4)3]
Garnet (green): A dark green stone. It improves the back, spine, and joints. Reestablishes order and relief from pressure. Helps you to adapt to the changing times in your life. Eliminates pessimism. Chakra: heart and root. [Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3]
Gold: Purifies and energizes the physical body. Improves circulation and strengthens the nervous system. Balances and develops the heart chakra and the hemispheres of the brain. Gold represents solar energy and the male aspect. Chakra: navel, heart, and crown.
Gypsum: See Selenite.
Hyacinth: See Zircon.
Hematite: A black, shiny granite-like stone. Good stone for physical grounding. Helps circulate oxygen throughout the body. Energizes and vitalizes by enabling energy to flow through the foot center. A strong stone for those attracted to it. Chakra: foot.
Herkimer Diamond: A type of double-terminated quartz crystal with a diamond like appearance. Has similar qualities of clear quartz (see quartz), plus the enhancement of dream recall and inner vision. This is a good crystal to use when looking for a gentle way to open up the inner senses. The Herkimer Diamond can, also, be used as a storage crystal for thought forms and ideas. Chakra: All.
Ivory: Ivory is a calcium consisting of organic and mineral matter. The color is white, sometimes with shades of pink. Stimulates the entire bone and skeletal structure, especially with a pink shade of ivory. Promotes an abundance of red blood cells.. Helps to exert inner discipline and mental control over the body. Eases anger and frustration. Will bring forth the emotional qualities within ones self. Chakra: throat.
Jade: Increases longevity and fertility. Aids with disorders and female problems. An emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Use stone to enhance clarity, modesty, courage, justice, and wisdom. Dispels negativity. Works with Chakra of corresponding to the color of the stone. Comes in red and various shades of green to almost white. The lighter the color the more rare the jade. [NaAl(Si2O6)]
Jasper (green): A pale green stone. Stimulates the sense of smell. It can lesson sorrow and develop greater sensitivity and understanding to the needs of others. A good stone for a healer to wear, to help maintain the healer's auric field. [SiO2]
Jasper (picture-brown): A pale brown stone. Helps prevent premature aging, kidney diseases, skin blemishes, and certain types of allergies. Eliminates hidden fears, deep suppression of the subconscious, and hallucinations. Can be used to help bring to the surface past-life recall of traumatic events that are effecting one's present life. Chakra: heart. [SiO2]
Jasper (yellow): A pale yellow stone. Stimulates general tissue regeneration throughout the entire endocrine system.. Will help to balance the feminine qualities. Helps the assimilation of vitamins, A, B, and E. Helps align the etheric body. [SiO2]
Kunzite (Pink Spodumene): A lavender-pink-violet crystal, slate-like when shattered. Its high lithium content makes Kunzite beneficial to individuals with addictive behavior. Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depression. A powerful stone for opening and healing the heart center. Helps one surrender to one's higher-self. Enhances self-esteem, tolerance, and acceptance. Chakra: heart. [LiAl(Si2O6)]
Kyanite: Strengthens throat chakra. Enhances creative expression, communication, truth, loyalty, reliability, serenity. Helps with astral travel. Chakra: throat and third eye.
Lapis Lazuli: A dark blue stone with faint black and gold pigments. Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Opens up mental clarity, illumination, and inner wisdom. Protection from negativity. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with spirit-guides. Chakra: third eye and throat. [(NaC4)4(SO4S,CI)(AlSiO4)3]
Lepidolite:Aids muscles and increases blood lithium content. Aids in the ability to sleep well. Chakra: heart.
When polished, it is a blue marble like stone with many veins contained in it. Break through illusion and self deception. Stimulates the imagination. Can help to heal the brow chakra and clear the mind. It can also help with dream recall and travel meditations. Chakra: Brow [((Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8)]
Malachite: A green stone with white streaks in it. Aids functions of pancreas and spleen. Reduces stress and tension. Aids tissue regeneration. Aids sleep. Reveals subconscious blocks and order and structure in life. Chakra: heart. [Cu2Co3(OH)2]
Meteorite: Helps reveal past lives from other planets and galaxies. Enhances connection with extraterrestrial energies and expands awareness. Similar to obsidian in appearance but much more dense. Chakra: root.
A deep green, silica based tektite (meteorite) that fell to Earth about 15 million years ago. Aids alignment with higher-self and channeling from extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional sources. This stone is not for the spiritually squeamish. It induces an aloft, airy quality which opens up the individual to the highest of influences. Chakra: heart and third eye.
Moonstone: A pearl-white stone which changes hew to reflect moods. Unblocks lymphatic system. Relives anxiety and stress. Aids the birthing process. Emotional balancer and reduces the tendency to overreact emotionally. Aligns emotions with higher-self. Chakra: heart.
Obsidian: A dark black stone with white patches. Beneficially influences stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine in energy. Grounds spiritual energy into the physical plane. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Helps clear subconscious blocks. Brings an understanding of silence and detachment but with wisdom and love. A powerful healer stone for those that are attuned to it. Chakra: root.
Onyx: A red and white or brown and white or black stone. Relives stress and balances the male/female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Helps in the gathering of information. Enhances self-control and higher inspiration. Works with chakras according to color stone. [SiO2]
Opal: A golden brown to black stone. Stimulates pineal and pituitary glands and helps eyesight. Enhances intuition. Helps conscious connection with the highest aspects of being. Chakra: heart and others, depending on color . [SiO2+nH2O]
Opal (Fire): A clear and pure red gem. Heals the genitals and the reproductive systems. Stimulates both the creative and the sexual passions. Helps bring about self-satisfaction. Chakra: heart and navel. [SiO2]
Opal (Light): Usually white, although it may be yellow or pink. Strengthens abdomen, pituitary, and thymus. It bonds the emotional and the crown Chakra, so that one seeks higher inspiration from the hara line Opens the solar plexus and brow chakras. Chakra: brow, solar plexus, throat. [SiO2]
Pearl: A white luster-like stone. Soothes stomach. Enhances judgment. Helps you to forgive others and makes you more resistant to irritation. Will enable you to be victorious over yourself. Chakra: heart. [CaCO3+organic+water]
Peridot (Olivine): A translucent yellow-olive stone. Balances glandular system. Aids in tissue regeneration. Overall balancer and tonic for the body and mind. Increases intuitive awareness, reduces stress and stimulates the mind. Accelerates personal growth and opens new doors of opportunity. Chakra: navel, solar plexus, and heart. [FeSiO4]
Putrefied wood:(See Amber).
Pyrite (Fools gold): A gold crystallized clump. Aids digestion. Strengthens and adds oxygen to the blood. Enhances brain functions. Brings about a more positive outlook on life. Enhances emotions and strengthens will. Helps one to work harmoniously with others and to maintain a practical outlook on life. Chakra: root, solar plexus, and heart.
Quartz (white-colorless): A frosty white to clear stone. Will amplify the crystalline properties in the body. On the cellular level, the glandular secretion from the pituitary gland and the production of white corpuscles are stimulated. Stimulates the brow, crown, and solar plexus. Removes negative thought forms and elevates thoughts. Chakra: brow, crown, and solar plexus. [SiO2]
Quartz (Crystal): A semi-clear to clear six pointed stone with terminations on one or both ends. Amplifies and stores thought forms and energy. Emits a full spectrum energy which activities all levels of consciousness. Absorbs and dispels negativity in one's energy field. Excellent for meditation. Enhances inter-dimensional communication and communication with higher-self and spirit-guides. Chakra: All. [SiO2]
Quartz (Rose): A rose colored stone, usually uncrystalized Increases fertility and eases sexual imbalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, and jealousy. Cools hot tempers quickly. Enhances self-confidence, creativity, and self-love. Aids in the ability to forgive and love others. Chakra: heart.
Quartz (Rutilated): Regeneration of tissue throughout the body and enhances life-force. Strengthens the immune system. Stimulates the brain and eases depression. Increases clairvoyance and inspiration. Highly electrical and more intense than clear quartz. Transmutes negativity. A very powerful stone to use in healings. Chakra: All. [SiO2]
Quartz (Smoky): A dark colored form of clear quartz. Increases fertility, balances sexual energy, and aids depression. Can initiate movement of kundalini energy. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels. Good stone for grounding and centering oneself. Will enhance dream awareness and channeling abilities, but not when worn on the body. Chakra: root, navel, and solar plexus.
Quartz (Tourmalinated): A clear quartz crystal with black tourmaline crystals inside. Balances the male and female polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding and a good protector stone. Dissipates negativity quickly. Chakra: root and crown. [SiO2 + (NaLiCa)(Fe11MgMnPl)3Al6(OH)4(BO3)Si6O18]
Rodochrosite: A red-pink stone. Enhances memory and intellectual power. Helps heal emotional wounds and trauma. The red/pink of the stone helps to blend the aspects of courage, will, and passion with the loving expression of the heart. Helps obtain divine love and acceptance of self and life. Chakra: root and heart.
Rhodonite: Comes in red and black variety. Strengthens immunity system and improves memory capacity. Eases physical and emotional trauma. Aligns root and heart chakra for bringing love into action and manifestation. Enhances energy levels in the body and mind. The red variety (without black) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability. A good stone for light- workers in a city environment. Chakra: root and heart.
Rose Quartz: See quartz (rose).
Ruby: A bright, clear red to pink gem. Aids in the regeneration of the physical and spiritual heart. Activates sluggish or dormant conditions on the physical or spiritual levels. Refines lower passions and raises them toward a more spiritual level. Helps banish the sense of limitation. Chakra: root and heart. [Al2O3(Cr)(Fe)]
Rutilated Quartz: See Quartz (Rutilated).
Sapphire: In its pure form it is blue; however, in less pure forms it comes in red, yellow, violet, green, and brown. Aids entire glandular system. Strengthens will. Aligns the body, mind, and spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities. Expands cosmic awareness and dispels confusion. Overcomes sadness. Changes shallow thinking into deeper, more meaningful understanding. Excellent for meditation. Chakra: throat and third eye. [Al2O3]
Seashell: see Abalone.
Selenite (Gypsum): Strengthens bones and teeth. Soothes nerves and has a positive effect on the brain -- aiding in the power of concentration and clarity. Enhances willpower. Possess a grounding white light. Chakra: throat and third eye.
Silver: Enhances mental functions and aids circulation. Strengthens blood -- physically and on an etheric level. Relieves stress and helps emotional balance. Improves speaking ability. Silver relates to the moon, the subconscious, and the female aspect of the universe. Chakra: Middle of the leg.
Smoky Quartz: See Quartz (Smoky).
Sodalite: A dark blue stone with white streaks and patches running through it. Aids pancreas and balances endocrine system. Strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Helps to balance the male/female polarities. Calms the mind. Slightly sedative and grounding. Enhances communication and creative expression. Chakra: throat and third eye.
Sugilite (Royal Azel): A deep purple to magenta stone. Enhances functions of the pineal, pituitary, and adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres. Aids physical healing and purification of bodily systems. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Has strong protective qualities. Helps you to recollect past, positive transformations that you have had. Good for meditation. Chakra: third eye and crown. [(K,Na)(NaFe3+)(2(LiFe3+)Si12030)]
Tiger's Eye: A sparkle, brownish-yellow stone with streaks. Beneficial for the spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, and colon. Enhances personal power and will. Helps soften stubbornness. A grounding and centering stone. Focuses your energy and can slow down your vibration. Masculine in nature. Chakra: navel and solar plexus. [SiO2]
Topaz (gold): A semi-clear gold colored stone. Detoxifies body and is a vitamin-hormone balancer. Helps you to live in the now. Will warm, awaken, and inspire the individual. Chakra: navel and crown. [Al2(OH,F)(SiO4)]
Topaz (blue): A semi-clear blue colored stone. Will cool and soothe the individual, bringing peace and tranquility. Enhances psychic perception and communication with higher-self and spirit-guides. Chakra: heart, throat, and third eye. [Al2(SiO4)(F,OH)2]
Tourmalinated Quartz: See Quartz (Tourmalinated).
Tourmaline (all colors): Aids in sleep and the balance of the endocrine system. Dispels fear and negative conditions. A protector stone. Enhances sensitivity and understanding. The various colors will activate and align the corresponding Chakra. Black (Schorl)-- root; Watermelon -- root and heart; Green (Verdelite) -- heart; Blue (Indiglite) -- throat and third eye; Red or Pink (Rebellite) -- root and heart [(NaLiCa)(Fe11MgMnPl)3Al6(OH)4(BO3)Si6O18]
Turquoise: An opaque sky-blue to blue-green stone. Tones and strengthens the entire body. Aids circulation, lungs, and respiratory system. Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Induces peace of mind and emotional balance. Carries ancient wisdom and knowledge and can reveal future and past lives. Chakra: throat. [CuAl6(OH)2/PO4)4+4H2O]
A powerful soothing, calming, and balancing of body and mind. Aids blood, heart, and emotional stability. Instills self-confidence. Helps one to recall past lives. Chakra: heart and solar plexus. Light green to emerald green, sometimes bluish-green or colorless. [CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5-H2O]
Zircon (Hyacinth): Strengthens the mind. Aids in bowel problems. Balances the pituitary and pineal glands. Aligns subtle bodies. Aids sleep. Chakra: All. |