
Positive Thinking through Positive Speaking

What did you say?

Positive thinking is imperative, if you wish to create your world properly, effectively, and in a desirable fashion. All levels of your thinking should be put through a shakedown and turned inside-out -- exposing any negativity and replacing that negativity with something more positive. Your use of language is one of those levels, and it can be one of the most important and difficult level to flush of negativity. Wouldn't it surprise you to know that the structure of your speech can be a major factor that stops you from getting the things that you need the most?

Because you live in a highly structured and technical society, a major part of your life includes the manipulation of words -- spoken and written. Everywhere you go confronts you with words: billboards: street signs, instructions, reading materials. The use of words is so much a part of you that you even think to yourself using these words.

Now, your inward communicative-thinking, directly, influences the way your unconscious mind processes your wants, desires, and wishes. As you know, your unconscious mind is quite capable of creating its own mental-waves, just as your conscious mind does. Except, your unconscious mind takes its cues from those inner thoughts and words to create the various mental-waves it sends off. If those thoughts and words possess excess negativity, your unconscious mental-waves will also possess that negativity and create a world that reflects that negativity.

Physical reality places certain restraints and limitations on consciousness. These restraints originate from all the individuals involved in the cooperative venture. The group consciousness, of the physically focused, influences many mental pathways. The creation process accesses these mental pathways, using these pathways as a method of manifesting certain aspects of physical reality. For example, the phrase "I feel great!" will make active a set of mental pathways that will lead you toward feeling great. Physical reality's group consciousness decided that the word "great" should indicate a certain state of being. The creation process will do its best to cause the changes associated with that particular word or word phrase.

Now, to accomplish this speech shakedown, you must become aware of how you structure your everyday speech. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Remember! You have spent your entire life perfecting your communicative skills. Many of your linguistic nuances are now unconscious and part of your inner speech mechanism.

First, to make the unconscious process of speaking semiconscious, you must listen to yourself. Listening to yourself, as you converse with others, will begin to awaken your conscious mind to your speaking routine. Try, after having a discourse with another, replaying the conversation in your mind, looking more at the structure of what you said rather than the overall meaning. Ask yourself some questions:

  • What words did I choose?
  • Why did I choose those words?
  • With those words and phrases, what kind of emotional connotation did they have?
  • Are the words predominately positive or negative in nature?

Spend one week listening to and examining your use of language while speaking. It may help if you take a small tape-recorder with you, recording certain conversations and listening to yourself afterwards. Now, during this speech-investigative week, jot down some of the more frequently used phrases. Frequently used phrases are those words and word combinations that seem to occur in almost every conversation. Take these, often-used, words and phrases and separate them into two categories, positive and negative. For example, "That's great!" is a positive phrase. "That's a problem!" is a negative phrase.

Now, any negative phrase that you use frequently can cause trouble. These negative phrases or words interweave themselves in almost every conversation you have. You use them so often you are unaware of them. However, what makes these negative phrases so deadly is the fact that they are self-defeating in nature. If that negative phrase involves yourself, you will create unwanted havoc in your own life. If the negative phrase involves someone else, you can impose your own havoc on their reality.

Remember! You can and do influence other's lives to a point. Telling a friend repeatedly that they are sick can reinforce that belief. Your continual, negative projection of another person's reality could hinder that person's improvement -- or even worse, bring forth those projected conditions.

So, what should you do? Well, to begin -- once you discover a negative phrase -- you must change it. Using the example from above, you would change "That's a problem!" to "That's a challenge!" Problems are painful and difficult to overcome. Challenges, on the other hand, are fun and, therefore, become easier to overcome. When you overcome a problem, you sigh a relief. However, when you conquer a challenge, you yell a cheer. Here's another example. The negative phrase "He's sick!" can be changed to "He's not well!" The word sick implies a condition that is undesirable and unchangeable. However, the condition of being not well implies that the individual is usually healthy, but is indisposed at the moment.

See! Transposing the phrases from negative to positive changes the way in which your unconscious mind interprets your thoughts. As far as the outside world concerns itself, the change is negligible. However, when that wording becomes decoded and sent into the creation process, it makes all the difference in the world!

Also, be aware! Your unconscious mind knows nothing about the idea of negation. The phrase "I'm not confused!" has the same meaning as "I'm confused!" The word "confused" passes into the creation process -- where, the state of confusion gets created. A better way to indicate confusion is by saying, "I'm not thinking clearly today!" With this more positive phrase, the word "clearly" gets sent into the creation process, and that word's mental pathways become active.

Now, it is not necessary to go to extremes! You should mainly concern yourself with those negative phrases that you use repeatedly. Saying the negative phrase "That's awful!" once or twice is not going to make much difference. However, you repeatedly saying that's awful -- day in and day out, ten or fifteen times a day -- will start to create the state of awful within your life.

As you begin to rid yourself of negative phrases and substitute a more positive phrase in its place, your reality will begin to change. The negativity caused by that phrase will cease. In time, the positiveness will gain as much momentum and strength as its negative predecessor did.

Here is a list of common speaking phrases that people use and a more positive one to replace it with:

Negative Positive
I'm confused! I'm not thinking clearly!
I feel awful!
I feel out of sorts today!
I'm getting tired! I need a rest!
You're a Jerk! You're different!
I'm going to be late again! I wish I could be on time!
He hates me! He dislikes me!
It was a failure! It was unsuccessful!
That was a bad thing to do! That was an improper thing to do!

These are just a few examples to get you headed in the right direction. There are many phrases that you and only you use. Those phrases you will have to discover on your own. The idea is to examine everything. Go through your use of language with a fine tooth-comb. Some of the things you say will surprise you!

Now, many spoken phrases that you use have little or no meaning! These phrases are gap-fillers, which you use unknowingly to pad your conversations. For example, the phrase "... for Pete's sake!" is one of these. Who the heck is Pete, and why do we concern ourselves with his sake? With this type of meaningless phrase, it is best to discard it completely. Obviously, Pete was some important person to some people; and from there, the phrase caught on. Unfortunately, a meaningless phrase does nothing. That lack of contributing to neither a positive nor a negative reality translates into wasted energy.

Every moment of every day you expend energy. Most of that energy goes into your physical survival. However, your mind uses the balance of that energy to tailor physical reality to your own personal needs. A phrase, which you are using on a continual basis, that does not add to your reality is wasting your valuable creative power. While it is better for a phrase to generate nothing at all rather than a negative result, it is much better to put that energy to good use. So, if you discover a meaningless phrase, you should substitute a meaningful, positive phrase in its place, or stop using it completely. Silence does not waste power!

As you become increasingly aware of the power of your consciousness, you will see the importance of a good speech shakedown, every now and then. However, this type of shakedown is not a process to complete once and then forget. As fast as you rid yourself of all your negative speech patterns is as fast as they can return. Your life is an ongoing thing. You should spend every moment of every day in self-discovery and self-growth. Learning how to use language to your advantage is just one method to accomplish that growth. The old cliche that says "You can tell much about a person by the way that person speaks!" is closer in truth than you realize. Whoever made that phrase up must have known about the creative power behind a person and that person's speech.

In the next chapter, we're going to talk about a new concept in thinking. This new thought process is a way you can cutout the middleman in the unconscious manifestation procedure. It, also, is another way you can increase the likelihood of creating exactly what you desire -- instead of creating what you sort-of wanted. 

This article is from the current Reality Creator Series Books, or upcoming books, or website content. © copyright 1995 - 2024 by Tom DeLiso