About image of the Day @Wisdomsdoor.com. Reality is about making choices. You are a being of free will. This free will enables choice. If you do not make choices then you are not walking your path. You are not evolving and growing. You are not learning how to become a master reality creator.
Sometimes people get overwhelmed and at times are unable to make a choice, so their lives stagnate. I do believe there is a time and place for everything, but if your life is prevented from moving forward due to some choice you cannot make, I must say please make some choice. There is nothing worse than a life of “what could have been!”
Exercise your right to be a creator of worlds! Make choices, and of course make them good choices that enhance your life and the lives of others.
Light, Peace
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This article is from the current Reality Creator Series Books, or upcoming books, or website content. © copyright 1995 - 2024 by Tom DeLiso