New Post Christmas Energy?
I know in my last blog I said we were back from our Christmas break. Well there is a saying that goes, "never
dare the universe to proove you wrong, because the universe will always win". I must have dared the universe
to proove my last blog statment, of being confident of resuming normal Wisdomsdoor operations, as incorrect. Haa! Boy
was I ever wrong. Iris too has hit similar bumps in getting back into the workshop swing, though I have to say she has
done better than I have in that respect. So what has happened?
Well shortly after Christmas the energy changed that was around the earth. It went from one of where it was quite easy to juggle multiple tasks at one time to an energy that only supports working on one thing at a time. I was so much enjoying that other energy where I could stand on one foot and twirl plates in my hand. Ahem... nothing lasts forever. Well this new energy is taking time to adjust too. I know many of you feel it as well. It is much harder now to get as much accomplished and because of that you have had to decide where to put your precious focus and time. If you try to do too much, nothing much of anything gets accomplished. So you have to decide what you want to accomplish, work on that, and then move on to the next. This new energy just does not support multitasking well. I, like the rest of you, have had to readjust just how to get things done to a new model: one task in and one task out. Well thankfully, my one task in and one task out today is this blog file and a new RC Radio show. I will get round to those regular workshops again, but when, I just do not know. And I dare not "dare" the universe again by saying for certain because it will just give me another reminder on who really pulls the strings.
Mercury retrograde which started on January 19 and ends around now has not helped matters either. So if all of you have been experiencing a hard time last month in expressing yourself, or communicating with others, and even more than usual mechanical and software breakdowns, it was because of Mercury Retrograde energy. In an upcoming workshop I will be discussing the astrological energies and how they affect who you are. You do create your world but you do so in concert with these other energies that are constantly around you and changing. You tap into these energies and use them unconsciously and sometimes it is good to be aware of when an energy that you usually tap into is going to be absent for a bit. Without the usual Mercury energy present, assisting all of us in commutating with others, well, we have had to get by more on our own wit than anything else.
So I do hope my report on the state of energy does help you to understand why things have been much harder for many of you after the Holidays. To be honest I have not looked at the coming energies to see what they hold, it is on my list of one tasks in and one tasks out things to do
Light, Peace
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